Tuesday, October 30, 2007

perfect pitch

I was wondering about pitch today cause yesterday I was singing a song (quietly, under my breath, to not disturb my roommate). I was thinking about perfect pitch because of something I dreamed last night. I wonder if someone with perfect pitch recognizes notes the way we normal folk can recognize colours? And what then of the colour blind?

There's a lot to be said for things we take for granted.

I've been in touch with school again about by B.A. it would be 3 full semesters before I could graduate, and 4 years on top of that before I would finish the education degree, if I took it in Montreal. Ontario offers a 2 year education degree, and that is worth looking into. I think that my visit back home over christmas break will help me make the decision more easily. I see no future for myself in video game design, it is not what I expected.

I also have been drinking wine quite a bit, but not to an unhealthy degree, I've drank a bottle in a night only twice, and one of those times I really had to force myself, as I coulnt get the cork back into the bottle, and didnt want it to "spoil".

I'm not sure why I like to eat doritos as I do, oh wait, they are delicious!! I did have 3 or 4 nights when I ate a whole bag while playing wow, that was ridiculous times 3 or 4. I think I've riddiculed myself away from doing that again.

I hate having an opinion and trying to express it to a group of non-friends. It makes my face feel red and heart beat strongly. That is what I fear most about school.

The ukulele is my love, it and playing WOW for gold. I know that if Mark quit I would follow suit, but I might resent doing so. The uke is a solitary passion. I even wrote a song.

All the little windows
in the playhouse you designed
are single paneled broken
woodplanks across the frames
The wind across the forrest
is blowing through the seams
it whistles to me secret
I'm not sure what I mean
The wind across teh forrest
is blowing in the trees
like waves in the canola
so vivid in the fields
Fridge magnets on drawings
wallpaper on the walls
cobwebs in the attic
footsteps in the halls
Your toy playhouse
your porcelain dolls
vines are growing on the walls
vines are growing on the walls

Thursday, October 25, 2007