Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Fund Drivin'

Just a reminder to my loyal reader(s) that a pledge to The Sound of Young America is like buying your ticket for a coach-driven sleigh ride on the maximum funtasm express.

Kids in the Hall, May 18th Jubilee Auditorium

Review is HERE!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

greeneatorange muxtape

for my first foray into this one I made a quickie rap megamixeroo


some comics






One of the earliest influences on my own comedy stylings (after Gordon Korman) were the Kids in the Hall. I'm not sure if it was because it was on after my bedtime, or if it was because of the blue language, but I wasn't able to watch the first season or two of kids in the hall on tv (I was in grade 4 at the time). Fortunately the cbc station's audio could be picked up on the leftmost edge of the FM range on my radio. So my first experience of the show was with my boombox snuck under my bedsheet, listening. I would tape these episodes for further review and so somewhere out there are a handful of 60 minute generic brand casette tapes with most of the first season.

They are back and on tour this summer and I got tickets to the show on the 18th here in Edmonton. I am very excited.

Picking any one sketch to post is futility, so here is one chosen at random:

These guys are the foundation of my enjoyment of 'sketch' comedy, here are a few thematically linked funnies:

boatie soph

I drew this mess at work in lunch hours two.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Countdown timer to the BIG NEWS: 13 days!

Monday, May 12, 2008

logo writer:

this was the first programming language I ever learned.

I remember making little text adventures coupled with ultra-simple animated scenes with it in grade 5.

in other news, still fooling around with logo ideas for my pals at indyish

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

cheering kids choir sound

George: says:
Frankly I'm not sure what I'm doing in the upcoming year, any advice for me vibey ol' pal?
je suis venu te dire que je m'en vais. says:
with the strength and &hope others put into you, do great things with yourself. even when your tired or unmotivated, let their thoughts help push you there.

photo from here

Sunday, May 4, 2008

aaaand here they are

these is a rough couple of logos I knocked out quick fast...

tomorrow: day 8 of a lucky 13 straight days @ work... F U WORK!!!

young america

"If you've never heard The Sound of Young America, then The Sound of Young America is the greatest radio show you've never heard."
-- Ira Boudway, Salon.com

I don't know who made this poster, Jesse Thorn, america's radio sweetheart, is the host. This show has been keeping me sane over the last week as I dig through the archives... good comedians, writers, musicians... check it out!!!!

yes I will donate some $$ during the pledge drive, more on that later

patton o'hearty

working on some logos for indyish.com, listening to patton oswalt's newest cd, wackidy shwakidy dooo!


here's patton oswalt's anime alter-ego with some snippets of one logo idea

blue b

my aunt loves the blue jays in the neighborhood, I'm going to make her a blue jay water colour as a parting gift some day, this is just a practicey prac
